Strategic Communications & Impact Measurement  

Sustainability Case Studies for The Fabricant 

The Fabricant is a digital fashion house that seeks to create a more inclusive, sustainable industry. I lead research to show the environmental impact of the digital sampling, building from Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) research by Imperial College London. I built 2 case studies to compare and analyze the carbon footprint of physical garments versus their digital counterparts, which resulted in half a million euros in impact investment.

Archers Leaders Program Evaluation with KTF and Humankind Advisory

In collaboration with global communications consultancy Humankind Advisory and Kokoda Track Foundation (KTF), I am worked on an evaluation for the Archers Leaders Development Program, which seeks to create the next generation of leaders in Papua New Guinea through adaptive leadership. The evaluation focuses on the power of narratives to portray the program’s impact. Read the report here.

Evaluation Framework
Survey implementation
Qualitative Data Collection
Stakeholder Interviews

Program Evaluation
Report Writing

Communications for agritech start-up CropConex

is an agritech start-up that creates a digital ecosystem to facilitate transparent and traceable trade. Starting in the coffee sector, CropConex was commissioned by the Ethiopian government to develop possible solutions that would benefit all stakeholders in the supply chain. I provided advisory services to the founder to develop messaging of impact and provided communications support.

“Building Resilience: Educational Opportunities for Sustainable Peace in San Juan de Rioseco”

In partnership with the FNC and Costa Foundation, this projects improves students’ learning environment and educational facilities through the renovation of school buildings, the implementation of productive projects with 5 students, and the incorporation of training and learning programs.

Partnership management  
Monitoring & evaluation
Project proposal writing
Reporting & budgeting

Improvement of internal processes
Liaison with local governments & communities  

Contributor and Researcher for Coffee Intelligence Publication   

Coffee Intelligence is an online publication with a simple mission: To dedicate high-quality journalism to the most important topics in the coffee sector. Coverage includes emerging market trends, challenges at origin, technological innovation, and human interest stories. Features here.