What does hiring a freelancer look like? 

When a company or organization hires an individual on a freelance basis, the individual is hired for a specific service, task or project. Both parties agree on the duration and fee and sign an agreement stating the parameters agreed upon. 

The freelancer send an invoice at a specified duration of time (ie.  weekly, bi-monthly, monthly depending on what is agreed upon) and the company pays it directly to the freelancer’s bank account.  


The general process for hiring on freelance basis is as follows:
Step 1: Discuss how I can support you based on goals and objectives of the company.  
Step 2: Establish scope of work (services, time required, and rate).  
Step 3:  Create and sign contract and terms of reference.
Step 4: Carry out work + collaborate!
Step 5: Freelancer sends regular invoice to be paid 

Why hire on freelance basis?

Sustainability and development work often requires varied support and expertise per project or for definite time periods. Considering limited budgets, changing needs, move towards remote work and the ongoing uncertainty brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a need for flexible, high quality work.

I am officially registered as an independent consultant with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, which allows me to carry out freelance work for clients/companies based in any country.

Freelance work allows for more innovation, collaboration, and flexibility.


What type of support can you provide as a freelancer? 
A summary of my work can be found here. Feel free to contact me for an updated resume/CV. 

Is visa sponsorship required by the company to hire on a freelance basis?
No. No legal paperwork or hiring costs are required. My visa status is independent of a client (employer).

Does an employer contract need to be signed?
Under the Wet DBA act, the client and freelancer can use a standard contract document (pre-approved by the Dutch tax authorities) to establish the relationship between the two parties. A seperate document with general terms and conditions can also be attached.  

Does the company need to pay taxes?
No. The company is not responsible for paying the taxes such as security security.     

If hired to do freelance work, is the individual considered as an employee? 
No. Legally, I will be considered as an independent consultant. The relationship between the company and the freelancer is not heirarchal. 

Can you work for temporary periods of time?
Yes. Freelance work allows flexibility and adaptability for both the client and freelancer, depending on client needs and objectives. 

Is there a maximum or minimum duration of time you can work?
No. This can be defined collaboratively depending on services needed and my availability. 

Can a freelancer work full-time hours? 
Yes. This is contingent on availability and specific needs of clients. 

I am not a company based in the Netherlands. Can I still hire you?
Yes. I can be hired as a freelancer regardless of where the client is legally established or physically present. 

How is compensation for freelance work processed?
An invoice will be sent to the client on a regular (bi-weekly or monthly basis), depending on what is agreed upon. Freelance rates can be a fixed hourly, daily, or monthly rate and are negotiable depending on scope of work and duration. Please get in touch to discuss.